Monday, August 17, 2009

let's pray together

Dear fellow missioners,

One of the most fun and spiritual enriching things about doing the Lord's work is getting to commune and pray with some of the country's most amazing people in ministry. Unfortunately, it never seems to last long enough. We all have our own missions, cities, and families to get back to.

What if there were more time? Just for us. To pray, eat, share, and dream. What could the Lord do with us in a weekend, where we weren't "working" or "serving" with one another, but simply coming to Him, intentionally, for an outpouring of new vision for ministry and evangelization in this country? Don't you think we owe this to ourselves? To our God? To the people we serve? I do.

This is not a commercial. This isn't a last ditch effort to boost our numbers. This isn't about any one ministry or any one name (although we could drop some names). This is about a community of evangelists and ministry leaders from across the country coming to seek Him in a great time of need. The ADORE Worship Summit is about you and I getting that time we need and desire.

If you think this is going to be just another conference, give me a call and I'd be happy to explain why it isn't. You seriously don't miss this epic weekend, September 4-6 in Houston.

For registration and event info - - and click on the summit graphic.

I love you all dearly, and I hope to see you in Houston. Please feel free to forward this on to anyone else.
